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Service of alternative contractual dispute resolution.
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A contractual dispute is a disagreement between parties on the basis of a different interpretation of the reality or of the practical terms and conditions of the contract. The problem that might arise about a contractual dispute can refer to the interpretation or the application of statutory provisions, the interpretation of the contractual terms and conditions on the basis of customs and habits.

Each legal system has rules that govern strictly the jurisdiction of Courts and Tribunals to resolve a dispute between a member of the community. However, there are numerous procedures alternative to Courts and Tribunals, such as arbitrations or conciliations, chosen on the basis of the nature of the dispute. In the international field, before the signature of the Convention of the United Nation 1945, any States could use any means that were necessary to resolve an international dispute. In the last 40 years, the States have developed several different procedures in order to resolve an international dispute, so that the use of the military forces could be avoided.

If you are not able to resolve a dispute by an amicable conversation, obviously you can try to arrange a hearing before a judge, but you better keep in consideration the option to use an alternative dispute resolution process by hearing a conciliator or an arbitrator.

New Vision helps its clients to find an agreement avoiding the timing and costs of a civil trial and supports the contractual party in a public conciliation or arbitration. During these procedures, that are often called as mediations, the parties are invited to start an informal conversation. When the parties themselves decided to start an alternative dispute resolution, New Vision plays an active role in finding the proper solution for our client. These methods offer the opportunity to go through the legal dispute and to find a customised solution that is suitable for the practical circumstances of the case. This mutual approach increases, among the other things, to chance to keep a decent business relationship with the other party.

Resolve a dispute without taking a formal action is quick and easy.

Are you conflict with a business, a tradesman, your employer, a family member or any person in your country or abroad? New Vision shall support you in the dispute without taking a formal action by offering a number of services.


How to manage a contractual dispute without claiming to a Court.

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