Health and Safety in workplace concerns with techniques, procedures and standards of work that are used to prevent accidents and protect the health of the workers. Any company has to adopt its health and safety scheme prescribed by law.
The Health and Safety at work is governed by a number of acts and regulations contained in the Health, Safety and Environment Regulation. This matter changes according to the industry in which the company is operating and the material site where the staff is employed. The Health, Safety and Environment Regulation for any company, for small and medium enterprises and for international and global corporations.
Nowadays it is always more important to comply with the Health and Safety regulation that may deal with structures and fire exit in a workplace, maintenance and machinery check, fire regulation, tools for protection and prevention from accidents, and Personal Protection Equipment. In addition, it is required to comply with the related legislation in the matter of production of chemical substances and be in possession of a number of licences that are mandatory in the exercise of dangerous jobs.
Thanks to the support of our professional, New Vision deals with this matter in order to guide small and medium enterprises in drafting an internal Health and Safety Policy and Risk Management, such document should allow the client to identify the risks in a particular workplace and avoid accident or injuries.
In Health and Safety matter, New Vision offers the following services:
- Assessment and Inspection of workplace
- Provides course and certificates for companies and employees
- Instructs on Health, Safety and Environment regulation in Construction
- Provides training for employees and employers